plant-based mamahood in the South

Tag vegan

Best Black Bean Burgers

Vegan, gluten-free black bean burgers that don’t fall apart when you take a bite!

Eggplant Bacon

Even when I ate meat as a child, I wasn’t a bacon fanatic, preferring breakfast sausage while my brothers inhaled the salty, crunchy bacon. I never really understood the mass appeal of bacon, but ever since the deliciousness I encountered… Continue Reading →

Meatless Sancocho

Usually in the middle of Autumn, but whenever the temperatures drop, I crave sancocho, a Puerto Rican stew typically consisting of beef and root vegetables. I leave out the beef, of course, and while there are ingredients that are traditional… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 3)

This is my last post in the three-day Chattanooga series, so “I’mma let [them] finish,” but I have to praise Birmingham real quick. In particular, I have to praise the Birmingham Museum of Art. If you live in Birmingham, I… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 1)

We spent a few days in Chattanooga, Tennessee recently to celebrate my birthday with a quick August getaway. Only a two-hour drive from Birmingham, Chattanooga has a sweet, quietly-rustic charm at the same time that it also exudes the on-the-river… Continue Reading →

Farm Burger Birmingham’s No. 2: The Vegan Burger

With its cow logo and emphasis on grass fed beef, I didn’t expect relatively-new-to-Downtown-Birmingham’s Farm Burger to have any vegetarian options, let alone a delish vegan burger. In fact, I wouldn’t have even investigated had a vegetarian colleague not suggest… Continue Reading →

5 Meals in Paradise: Tropicaleo Brings la Isla Bonita to Birmingham

When I heard the rumors on Facebook that a Puerto Rican couple was bringing a Puerto Rican restaurant to Birmingham, I was stoked! Years ago my mom and I had been musing about opening our own Puerto Rican restaurant, but… Continue Reading →

A Trip to Atlanta

We caught the wanderlust bug and decided to take an impromptu trip to Atlanta to, of all things, go grocery shopping.  A colleague of mine sold me on the idea: there’s no food tax over there, and Your Dekalb Farmer’s… Continue Reading →

Pan Dulce (Vegan)

Soft and sweet, this treat is perfect to celebrate El Día de los Muertos! For the Dough: 2/3 cup lukewarm water 1 package (2 ¼ teaspoons) active dry yeast 1/3 cup sugar 5 tablespoons vegetable shortening ½ cup coconut milk… Continue Reading →

World Vegan Day + Día de los Muertos

I’ve been waiting all summer to show off my new Muerta Frida shirt, proudly purchased from the kick-ass artists over at Mi Vida. While it still feels like summer here in Alabama, November is officially here, so I can finally… Continue Reading →

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