plant-based mamahood in the South

Tag tisane

Day 16: Calming Floral Tisanes

I probably should start this post with a disclaimer: Few, if any, of the following statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this post is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. These… Continue Reading →

Day 9: Rooibos Part 2–Green and…Chocolate!

Green Rooibos If you do any research on the topic, an assertion you’ll see floating around the internet a lot is that “red rooibos is fermented while green rooibos is not.” While it’s true that the red rooibos undergoes processing… Continue Reading →

Day 8: Rooibos

To Tea, or Not to Tea: That Is the Question. I had a carefully-considered schedule planned for these 21 days. We’d start by exploring the possibilities that black teas have to offer, move on to green and white, and then we’d… Continue Reading →

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