plant-based mamahood in the South

Tag medicinal

Day 17: Mint Infusions

I just have a little quickie for you today as a continuation of yesterday’s floral medicinal tisanes (please see that post for the standard health disclaimers–those apply here, too). Mints (peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint) are stimulating, invigorating infusions that are really… Continue Reading →

Day 16: Calming Floral Tisanes

I probably should start this post with a disclaimer: Few, if any, of the following statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this post is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. These… Continue Reading →

Day 8: Rooibos

To Tea, or Not to Tea: That Is the Question. I had a carefully-considered schedule planned for these 21 days. We’d start by exploring the possibilities that black teas have to offer, move on to green and white, and then we’d… Continue Reading →

Day 6: Pu-Erh

Numi First, a spotlight on Numi Organic Tea. At the Afternoon Tea of my wedding rehearsal, my mom bought a Numi variety pack with some really unique flavors like Toasted Rice, Mate Lemon, and Tumeric Chai. I happened upon a… Continue Reading →

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