Well, this is awkward! We’re just gonna go ahead and ignore our 8-month hiatus, cuz “the-year-which-must-not-be-named” really did a number on us. Slowly but surely getting back in the blogging groove, so please stay tuned for brand new vegetarian recipes,… Continue Reading →
Years ago my brother received a package of goodies from family in Japan, and among the treats were Green Tea KitKats. They were so good that I’m pretty sure we ate the whole bag that same day. Since then they’ve… Continue Reading →
Colorful, and chockful of flavor: rub salt and lemon juice into kale leaves, pile roasted veggies (here pictured are sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips. Surrounded by tangerine slices and topped with blue cheese (or a vegan alternative) and balsamic vinegar.
I don’t have a recipe to share today, but I do want to give a shot out to my beautiful latina mom! All last night, while watching the election numbers trickle in with my Facebook feed open, I felt reassured… Continue Reading →
“Start with the visceral to ignite the cerebral and end with the political.” –Chef Bryant Terry, 10-1-16
I wanted to do something special to celebrate the Summer Solstice, and I had a case of strawberries that needed eating, so I invited the younger brother to tie-dye shirts, do some sun salutations, and eat some grub. What better… Continue Reading →
Welcome! Hey, y’all! This project is a few years in the making, and I’m excited that you’ve joined me! I’ve been a vegetarian in Alabama for about 19 years now, and I’ve met countless transplants who are no longer vegetarian… Continue Reading →
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