plant-based mamahood in the South

Category Restaurant Reviews

Heart of Pixie Tries HelloFresh

This is an independent review of HelloFresh. Heart of Pixie did not receive any compensation for this review. Back in February, when COVID-19 seemed only a boogeyman an ocean away, we tried HelloFresh for the first time. My cousin sent… Continue Reading →

A Taste of Taj India

One of my favorite restaurants in Birmingham, Taj India has a significant place in my heart, so much so that I’ve been sitting on this post for a while, uncertain I would be able to do it justice. Recent events… Continue Reading →

Got Our Graze On

If you’re an eater or a grower in Alabama who wants to revolutionize Alabama’s food system and join a community of other eaters and growers, you should check out Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network (ASAN). Founded in 2001, grassroots nonprofit ASAN often provide… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 3)

This is my last post in the three-day Chattanooga series, so “I’mma let [them] finish,” but I have to praise Birmingham real quick. In particular, I have to praise the Birmingham Museum of Art. If you live in Birmingham, I… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 2)

Chattanooga is a great destination for a relaxing weekend on the river, and its chill vibe makes the city a premier low-key getaway with enjoyable, family-friendly attractions, too–especially for folks who enjoy science, nature, and history. What to Do? A… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 1)

We spent a few days in Chattanooga, Tennessee recently to celebrate my birthday with a quick August getaway. Only a two-hour drive from Birmingham, Chattanooga has a sweet, quietly-rustic charm at the same time that it also exudes the on-the-river… Continue Reading →

Farm Burger Birmingham’s No. 2: The Vegan Burger

With its cow logo and emphasis on grass fed beef, I didn’t expect relatively-new-to-Downtown-Birmingham’s Farm Burger to have any vegetarian options, let alone a delish vegan burger. In fact, I wouldn’t have even investigated had a vegetarian colleague not suggest… Continue Reading →

A Veggie Tour Through England (Part 2)

Gentle reader, in this installment of Heart of Pixie I offer you the anecdote-laden finale of our 2-part veggie tour through England, circa 2015. ~*~ While we spent the majority of our UK trip exploring the eatables offered by various… Continue Reading →

A Veggie Tour Through England (Part 1)

Post-Royal Wedding Fever Got Ya Suffering from Withdrawal? Me, too! I was already fondly reliving our trip to the UK during my 21 Days of Tea series, since it was inspired by Fes.Tea.Val, but all the hype over the Royal… Continue Reading →

Avondale Common House & Distillery

Since the Avondale Common House relies on seasonal, local produce, their menu seems to change a lot, so there’s no telling if what we got will be an option for you, but I guarantee whatever they have will be so… Continue Reading →

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