Sweet Tea for Sweltering Southern Summers I wouldn’t be surprised if stated somewhere in the heavily-amended Alabama Constitution is a rule that an Alabama-based blog can’t do a series on tea without a post on iced sweet tea. So I… Continue Reading →
There’s some contention about who exactly came up with boba (or bubble) tea, but whoever it was is one of my tea heroes. What we do know is that this delish drink originated and became popular in Taiwan in the… Continue Reading →
I start most days with tea and some kind of biscuit (what most ‘mericans would call a cookie). Usually, the biscuit I eat is a digestive biscuit, and mostly we buy my favourite, McVitie’s dark chocolate, but we’ve also tried the milk… Continue Reading →
I just have a little quickie for you today as a continuation of yesterday’s floral medicinal tisanes (please see that post for the standard health disclaimers–those apply here, too). Mints (peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint) are stimulating, invigorating infusions that are really… Continue Reading →
I probably should start this post with a disclaimer: Few, if any, of the following statements have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and this post is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. These… Continue Reading →
But First, Tea There’s nothing like the spicy warmth of masala chai. While some premade masalas aren’t great, you can easily create your own fresh masala mix with a handful of spices. There are several tried-and-true methods of making stellar chai…. Continue Reading →
Yesterday, I latte-fied Numi Organic Tea’s Rooibos Masala Chai. Today I want to talk more about what “masala chai” means and tell you a bit about some of the masala and other blended chais that I have tried recently. Masala… Continue Reading →
Ah, the comforting mystery of the creamy, foamy latte. Some folks find the prospect of making one at home intimidating, but you don’t need a fancy cappuccino maker to make a lovely latte. All you need is milk, strongly-brewed coffee, tea,… Continue Reading →
Years ago my brother received a package of goodies from family in Japan, and among the treats were Green Tea KitKats. They were so good that I’m pretty sure we ate the whole bag that same day. Since then they’ve… Continue Reading →
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