plant-based mamahood in the South

Author IagothePixie

Well, this is awkward! We’re just gonna go ahead and ignore our 8-month hiatus, cuz “the-year-which-must-not-be-named” really did a number on us. Slowly but surely getting back in the blogging groove, so please stay tuned for brand new vegetarian recipes,… Continue Reading →

Sticky post

Best Black Bean Burgers

Vegan, gluten-free black bean burgers that don’t fall apart when you take a bite!

Eggplant Bacon

Even when I ate meat as a child, I wasn’t a bacon fanatic, preferring breakfast sausage while my brothers inhaled the salty, crunchy bacon. I never really understood the mass appeal of bacon, but ever since the deliciousness I encountered… Continue Reading →

Heart of Pixie Tries Dalgona Coffee

Yes, I’ve jumped on the trend train, and I will not apologize! I’ve actually been planning a coffee series to compliment my 21 Days of Tea series, and this was a fun opportunity to provide a prequel. Anyway, so my… Continue Reading →

Heart of Pixie Tries HelloFresh

This is an independent review of HelloFresh. Heart of Pixie did not receive any compensation for this review. Back in February, when COVID-19 seemed only a boogeyman an ocean away, we tried HelloFresh for the first time. My cousin sent… Continue Reading →

A Taste of Taj India

One of my favorite restaurants in Birmingham, Taj India has a significant place in my heart, so much so that I’ve been sitting on this post for a while, uncertain I would be able to do it justice. Recent events… Continue Reading →

Meatless Sancocho

Usually in the middle of Autumn, but whenever the temperatures drop, I crave sancocho, a Puerto Rican stew typically consisting of beef and root vegetables. I leave out the beef, of course, and while there are ingredients that are traditional… Continue Reading →

‘Pasghetti for a Good Cause

It’s nearing time to celebrate the coming year, but I could not let the last dregs of 2018 pass before telling you about a great new annual foodie event–ACE’s ‘Pasghetti Cook-Off. Birminghamians love to eat and love to serve a… Continue Reading →

Got Our Graze On

If you’re an eater or a grower in Alabama who wants to revolutionize Alabama’s food system and join a community of other eaters and growers, you should check out Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network (ASAN). Founded in 2001, grassroots nonprofit ASAN often provide… Continue Reading →

Chattanooga in Three Days (Day 3)

This is my last post in the three-day Chattanooga series, so “I’mma let [them] finish,” but I have to praise Birmingham real quick. In particular, I have to praise the Birmingham Museum of Art. If you live in Birmingham, I… Continue Reading →

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